Instantiating Attributed Strings with Markdown Syntax
Use a Markdown-syntax string to iniitalize an attributed string with standard or custom attributes.
You can use familiar Markdown syntax to initialize an attributed string with both its initial text and attributes for things like inline styles and links. In many cases, this produces easier-to-read code than manually setting attributes on ranges of an existing attributed string.
iflet attString =try?AttributedString( markdown: "See the *latest* news at [our website]("),let websiteRange = attString.range(of: "our website"),let link = attString[websiteRange].link {print("\(link)") // Prints "".}
In this example, attString contains five runs, with attributes parsed from the syntax in the markdown parameter:
You can also use custom attributes defined with the MarkdownDecodableAttributedStringKey protocol in the Markdown string. To do this, use Apple’s Markdown extension syntax: ^[text](attribute1: value1, attribute2: value2, …).
When using attributes beyond those provided by the system, be sure to use initializers that take a scope parameter, and provide the scope that defines the custom attributes.
Creates an attributed string from a Markdown-formatted string using the provided options and attribute scope.
Creates an attributed string from a Markdown-formatted string using the provided options and attribute scope that a key path identifies.
Creates an attributed string from Markdown-formatted data using the provided options and attribute scope.
Creates an attributed string from Markdown-formatted data using the provided options and attribute scope that a key path identifies.
Creates an attributed string from the contents of a specified URL that contains Markdown-formatted data, using the provided options.
Creates an attributed string from the contents of a specified URL that contains Markdown-formatted data, using the provided options and attribute scope.
Creates an attributed string from the contents of a specified Markdown URL, using the provided options and attribute scope that a key path identifies.
ある属性付き文字列を作成します、ある指定されたMarkdown URLの内容から、この提供されたオプションとあるキーパスが識別する属性スコープを使って。