func enumerateDates (startingAfter : Date, matching: DateComponents, matchingPolicy : Calendar.MatchingPolicy, repeatedTimePolicy : Calendar.RepeatedTimePolicy, direction: Calendar.SearchDirection, using: (Date?, Bool, inout Bool) -> Void)
Computes the dates which match (or most closely match) a given set of components, and calls the closure once for each of them, until the enumeration is stopped.
func nextDate (after: Date, matching: DateComponents, matchingPolicy : Calendar.MatchingPolicy, repeatedTimePolicy : Calendar.RepeatedTimePolicy, direction: Calendar.SearchDirection) -> Date?
Computes the next date which matches (or most closely matches) a given set of components.
enum Calendar.MatchingPolicy
A hint to the search algorithm to control the method used for searching for dates.
enum Calendar.RepeatedTimePolicy
Determines which result to use when a time is repeated on a day in a calendar (for example, during a daylight saving transition when the times between 2:00am and 3:00am may happen twice).