func readDataToEndOfFile () -> Data
Reads the available data synchronously up to the end of file or maximum number of bytes.
func readData (ofLength : Int) -> Data
Reads data synchronously up to the specified number of bytes.
var offsetInFile : UInt64
The position of the file pointer within the file represented by the file handle.
func seekToEndOfFile () -> UInt64
Places the file pointer at the end of the file referenced by the file handle and returns the new file offset.
func seek(toFileOffset : UInt64)
Moves the file pointer to the specified offset within the file represented by the receiver.
func closeFile ()
Disallows further access to the represented file or communications channel and signals end of file on communications channels that permit writing.
func truncateFile (atOffset : UInt64)
Truncates or extends the file represented by the file handle to a specified offset within the file and puts the file pointer at that position.