(true, newMember) if newMember was not contained in self. Otherwise, returns (false, oldMember), where oldMember is the member of the set equal to newMember.(true, newMember)、もしnewMemberがselfに含まれなかったならば。そうでなければ、(false, oldMember)を返します、そこでoldMemberはnewMemberに等しいこの集合のメンバです。
In the following example, the .secondDay shipping option is added to the freeOptions option set if purchasePrice is greater than 50.0. For the ShippingOptions declaration, see the OptionSet protocol discussion.
let purchasePrice =87.55var freeOptions: ShippingOptions= [.standard, .priority]if purchasePrice >50 { freeOptions.insert(.secondDay)}print(freeOptions.contains(.secondDay))// Prints "true"