The components from which to calculate the returned date.
Return Value
A new NSDate object representing the absolute time calculated from comps. Returns nil if the receiver cannot convert the components given in comps into an NSDate object.
When there are insufficient components provided to completely specify an absolute time, a calendar uses default values of its choice. When there is inconsistent information, a calendar may ignore some of the components parameters or the method may return nil. Unnecessary components are ignored (for example, Day takes precedence over Weekday and Weekday ordinals).
完全に絶対時間を指定するのに不十分な構成要素が提供される場合、カレンダーはそれの選択の省略時の値を使います。一致しない情報がある場合、カレンダーはいくつかの構成要素パラメータを無視するかもしれませんまたはメソッドがnilを返すかもしれません。不必要な構成要素は無視されます(例えば、DayはWeekdayおよびWeekday ordinalsに優先します)。
The following example shows how to use this method to create a date object to represent 14:10:00 on 6 January 1965, for a given calendar (gregorian).
Returns a date representing the absolute time calculated by adding given components to a given date.
Returns a date representing the absolute time calculated by adding the value of a given component to a given date.
Returns a new date representing the date calculated by setting a specific component of a given date to a given value, while trying to keep lower components the same.