static let AVAssetChapterMetadataGroupsDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when an asset’s chapter metadata groups change.
static let AVAssetContainsFragmentsDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when an asset’s fragments change.
static let AVAssetDurationDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented asset minder observes a change to a fragmented asset’s duration.
static let AVAssetMediaSelectionGroupsDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when an asset’s media selection groups change.
static let AVAssetTrackSegmentsDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented asset minder observes a change to a fragmented asset track’s segments.
static let AVAssetTrackTimeRangeDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented asset minder observes a change to a fragmented asset track’s time range.
static let AVAssetTrackTrackAssociationsDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when the track associations for an asset track change.
static let AVAssetWasDefragmented : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented asset minder observes that the system defragments the asset on disk.
static let AVCaptureDeviceSubjectAreaDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a capture device detects a substantial change to the video subject area.
static let AVCaptureDeviceWasConnected : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a new capture device becomes available.
static let AVCaptureDeviceWasDisconnected : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when an existing device becomes unavailable.
static let AVCaptureInputPortFormatDescriptionDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when the capture input port’s format description changes.
static let AVCaptureSessionDidStartRunning : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a capture session starts.
static let AVCaptureSessionDidStopRunning : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a capture session stops.
static let AVCaptureSessionInterruptionEnded : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when an interruption to a capture session finishes.
static let AVCaptureSessionRuntimeError : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when an error occurs during a capture session.
static let AVCaptureSessionWasInterrupted : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when it interrupts a capture session.
static let AVFragmentedMovieContainsMovieFragmentsDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented movie minder observes a change to a movie’s fragments.
static let AVFragmentedMovieDurationDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented movie minder observes a change to a movie’s duration.
static let AVFragmentedMovieTrackSegmentsDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented movie minder observes a change to a fragmented movie track’s segments.
static let AVFragmentedMovieTrackTimeRangeDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented movie minder observes a change to a movie track’s time range.
static let AVFragmentedMovieWasDefragmented : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a fragmented movie minder observes that the system defragments the asset on disk.
static let AVPlayerAvailableHDRModesDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a player’s available HDR modes change.
static let AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a player item plays to its end time.
static let AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTime : NSNotification.Name
A notification that the system posts when a player item fails to play to its end time.
static let AVPlayerItemNewAccessLogEntry : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a player item adds a new entry to its access log.
static let AVPlayerItemNewErrorLogEntry : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a player item adds a new entry to its error log.
static let AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalled : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a player item media doesn’t arrive in time to continue playback.
class let timeJumpedNotification : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a player item’s time changes discontinuously.
static let AVRouteDetectorMultipleRoutesDetectedDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when changes occur to its detected routes.
static let AVSampleBufferAudioRendererOutputConfigurationDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts to indicate that the hardware configuration doesn’t match the enqueued data format.
static let AVSampleBufferAudioRendererWasFlushedAutomatically : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a renderer flushes its enqueued media data without an explicit request to do so.
static let AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerFailedToDecode : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a sample buffer display layer fails to decode.
static let AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerOutputObscuredDueToInsufficientExternalProtectionDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when the current device configuration doesn’t support the external content protection mechanism.
static let AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerRequiresFlushToResumeDecodingDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when a sample buffer display layer changes its decoding requirements.
static let AVFragmentedMovieTrackTotalSampleDataLengthDidChange : NSNotification.Name
A notification the system posts when the sample data length of a fragmented movie track changes.