subscript<T>(dynamicMember : KeyPath<S, T>) -> T.Value?
Returns the value of the attribute that the specified key path indicates.
Availability 有効性
@dynamicMemberLookup struct ScopedAttributeContainer<S> where S : AttributeScope
Use a Scoped
when you need to disambiguate between attributes that exist in several attribute scopes that your app uses.
subscript<T>(dynamicMember : KeyPath<S, T>) -> T.Value?
subscript<K>(K.Type) -> K.Value?
subscript<K>(dynamicMember : KeyPath<AttributeDynamicLookup, K>) -> K.Value?
enum AttributeDynamicLookup
subscript<S>(dynamicMember : KeyPath<AttributeScopes, S.Type>) -> ScopedAttributeContainer<S>