static var autoupdatingCurrent : TimeZone
static var current: TimeZone
Availability 有効性
struct TimeZone
defines the behavior of a time zone. Time zone values represent geopolitical regions. Consequently, these values have names for these regions. Time zone values also represent a temporal offset, either plus or minus, from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and an abbreviation (such as PST for Pacific Standard Time).
provides two static functions to get time zone values: current
and autoupdating
. The autoupdating
time zone automatically tracks updates made by the user.
Note that time zone database entries such as “America/Los_Angeles” are IDs, not names. An example of a time zone name is “Pacific Daylight Time”. Although many Time
functions include the word “name”, they refer to IDs.
タイムゾーンデータベース登録項目、たとえば “America/Los_Angeles” などは、IDです、名前でなく。タイムゾーン名の一例は、 “Pacific Daylight Time(太平洋夏時間)” です。多くのTime
関数が単語 “name” を含むとはいえ、それらはIDを参照します。
Cocoa does not provide any API to change the time zone of the computer, or of other applications. Cocoaは、コンピュータの、または他のアプリケーションのタイムゾーンを変更するために、どのようなAPIも提供しません。
static var autoupdatingCurrent : TimeZone
static var current: TimeZone
init?(secondsFromGMT : Int)
static var knownTimeZoneIdentifiers : [String]
static var abbreviationDictionary : [String : String]
var identifier: String
func abbreviation(for: Date) -> String?
func secondsFromGMT (for: Date) -> Int
static var timeZoneDataVersion : String
func isDaylightSavingTime (for: Date) -> Bool
func daylightSavingTimeOffset (for: Date) -> TimeInterval
var nextDaylightSavingTimeTransition : Date?
func nextDaylightSavingTimeTransition (after: Date) -> Date?
static func != (TimeZone, TimeZone) -> Bool
static func == (TimeZone, TimeZone) -> Bool
func localizedName (for: NSTimeZone.NameStyle, locale: Locale?) -> String?
var description: String
var debugDescription : String
var customMirror : Mirror
var hashValue : Int
typealias TimeZone.ReferenceType
struct DateComponents
struct Calendar