You typically use instances of NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference to represent specific quantities of electric potential difference using the NSMeasurement class.
Electric Potential Difference
Electric potential difference is the amount of electric potential energy of a point charge at a point in space. The SI unit for electric potential difference is the volt (V), which is derived as the difference in electric potential energy between two points of a linear conductor when an electric current of one ampere dissipates one watt of power between those points (1V = 1W/1A).
電位差は、空間のある点での点電荷の電位エネルギーの量です。電位差の対するSI単位は、ボルト(V)です、それは直線状導体の2つの点の間の、それらの点の間で1アンペアの電流が1ワットの電力を消費する時の、電位エネルギーにおける差として導き出されます(1V = 1W/1A)。
The NSUnitElectricPotentialDifference class defines its base unit as volts, and provides the following units, which are initialized using UnitConverterLinear converters with the specified coefficients:NSUnitElectricPotentialDifferenceクラスは、それの基本単位をvoltsとして定義します、そして以下の単位を提供します、それらは指定された係数でUnitConverterLinear変換器を使用して初期化されます: