enum URLSession.DelayedRequestDisposition
func urlSession (URLSession, taskIsWaitingForConnectivity : URLSessionTask)
Availability 有効性
optional func urlSession(_ session: URLSession
task: URLSessionTask
willBeginDelayedRequest request: URLRequest
completionHandler: @escaping (URLSession
, URLRequest
?) -> Void
The session containing the delayed request. 延期されたリクエストを含んでいるセッション。
The task handling the delayed request. 延期されたリクエストを取り扱っているセッション。
The request that was delayed. 延期されたリクエスト。
A completion handler to perform the request. The completion handler takes two parameters: a disposition that tells the task how to proceed, and a new request object that is only used if the disposition is URLSession
Concurrency Note 並行性注意
You can call this method from synchronous code using a completion handler, as shown on this page, or you can call it as an asynchronous method that has the following declaration: あなたは、このメソッドを同期コードから完了ハンドラを使って呼び出せます、このページで示されるように、またはあなたはそれを以下の宣言を持つ非同期メソッドとして呼び出せます:
optional func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, willBeginDelayedRequest request: URLRequest) async -> (URLSession.DelayedRequestDisposition, URLRequest?)
For information about concurrency and asynchronous code in Swift, see Calling Objective-C APIs Asynchronously. Swiftにおける並行性と非同期コードについての情報として、Objective-C APIを非同期に呼び出すを見てください。
This method is called when a background session task with a delayed start time (as set with the earliest
property) is ready to start. This delegate method should only be implemented if the request might become stale while waiting for the network load and needs to be replaced by a new request.
For loading to continue, the delegate must call the completion handler, passing in a disposition that indicates how the task should proceed. Passing the URLSession
disposition is equivalent to calling cancel()
on the task directly.
enum URLSession.DelayedRequestDisposition
func urlSession (URLSession, taskIsWaitingForConnectivity : URLSessionTask)