Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Returns the object returned by copy(with:).

Declaration 宣言

func copy() -> Any

Return Value 戻り値

The object returned by the NSCopying protocol method copy(with:),.

Discussion 解説

This is a convenience method for classes that adopt the NSCopying protocol. An exception is raised if there is no implementation for copy(with:).

NSObject does not itself support the NSCopying protocol. Subclasses must support the protocol and implement the copy(with:) method. A subclass version of the copy(with:) method should send the message to super first, to incorporate its implementation, unless the subclass descends directly from NSObject.

See Also 参照

Creating, Copying, and Deallocating Objects オブジェクトの作成、複製、そして割り当て解除