Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the receiver should be ignored in the parent-child accessibility hierarchy.

Declaration 宣言

func accessibilityIsIgnored() -> Bool

Return Value 戻り値

true if the receiver should be ignored; otherwise, false.

Discussion 解説

When asking for an object's children, do not include ignored children; instead, replace the ignored children with their own unignored children. The same applies when asking for an object's parent: skip the ignored parent and treat the first unignored ancestor as the real parent. Likewise, when a hit-test or focus test is satisfied by an ignored element, use the element's first unignored ancestor (or descendant in certain cases, such as single-celled controls) instead.

Ignored elements let you provide a simplified version of the view and object ownership hierarchies. Accessibility clients can bypass intermediate objects, letting users access the real user interface objects more quickly. For example, NSControl objects are ignored when they are single-celled; the visible parent-child relationship is between the control's parent (or a higher ancestor if the parent is ignored, too) and the control's cell.

See Also 参照

Deprecated 非推奨