Provide a set of methods that view subclasses use to make subcomponents accessible as separate elements.
var accessibilityActivationPoint : CGPoint
The activation point for the accessibility element in screen coordinates.
var accessibilityFocusedUIElement : Any?
The deepest descendant of the accessibility hierarchy that has the focus.
var accessibilityFrame : CGRect
The frame of the accessibility element in screen coordinates.
func accessibilityHitTest (NSPoint) -> Any?
Returns the deepest descendant of the accessibility hierarchy that contains the specified point.
enum UIAccessibilityNavigationStyle
Constants that describe how to navigate an object’s elements with an assistive app.
var accessibilityPath : UIBezierPath?
The path of the element in screen coordinates.
static func zoomFocusChanged (zoomType : UIAccessibility.ZoomType, toFrame : CGRect, in: UIView)
Notifies the system when the app’s focus changes to a new location.
enum UIAccessibility.ZoomType
The types of system Zoom that can be in effect.
static var assistiveTouch : UIGuidedAccessAccessibilityFeature
The AssistiveTouch accessibility feature.