
A set of methods that accessibility elements can use to support specific actions.

Overview 概要

The UIAccessibilityAction informal protocol provides a way for accessibility elements to support specific actions, such as selecting values in a range or scrolling through information on the screen. For example, to respond to a scrolling gesture, you implement the accessibilityScroll(_:) method and post pageScrolled with the new page status (such as “Page 3 of 9”). Or, to make an element such as a slider or picker view accessible, you first need to characterize it by including the adjustable trait. Then, you must implement the accessibilityIncrement() and accessibilityDecrement() methods. When you do this, assistive technology users can adjust the element using gestures specific to the assistive technology.

Topics 話題

Performing an Action

Accessing Custom Actions

Constants 定数

See Also 参照


Related Documentation 関連文書