A binary floating-point type’s exponentBitCount imposes a limit on the range of the exponent for normal, finite values. The exponent bias of a type F can be calculated as the following, where ** is exponentiation:
let bias =2** (F.exponentBitCount -1) -1
The least normal exponent for values of the type F is 1 - bias, and the largest finite exponent is bias. An all-zeros exponent is reserved for subnormals and zeros, and an all-ones exponent is reserved for infinity and NaN.
型Fの最小正規化指数は、1 - biasです、最大有限指数はbiasです。全てゼロの指数は非正規化数とゼロのために予約されます、そして全て1の指数は無限大とNaNのために予約されます。
For example, the Float type has an exponentBitCount of 8, which gives an exponent bias of 127 by the calculation above.
let bias =2** (Float.exponentBitCount -1) -1// bias == 127print(Float.greatestFiniteMagnitude.exponent)// Prints "127"print(Float.leastNormalMagnitude.exponent)// Prints "-126"