var hashValue : Int
The hash value.
@frozen struct Index
Dictionary has two subscripting interfaces: 辞書は2つの添え字インターフェイスを持ちます:
Subscripting with a key, yielding an optional value: キーによる添え字、オプショナル値を生じます:
v = d[k]!
Subscripting with an index, yielding a key-value pair: インデックスによる添え字、キー値ペアを生じます:
(k, v) = d[i]
var hashValue : Int
func hash(into: inout Hasher)
static func != (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Bool
static func ... (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> PartialRangeFrom<Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index>
static func ... (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> PartialRangeThrough<Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index>
static func ... (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> ClosedRange<Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index>
static func ..< (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> PartialRangeUpTo<Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index>
static func ..< (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Range<Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index>
static func < (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Bool
static func <= (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Bool
static func == (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Bool
static func > (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Bool
static func >= (Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Index) -> Bool
struct Dictionary.Keys
struct Dictionary.Values
typealias Dictionary.Indices
struct Dictionary.Iterator
Dictionary<Key, Value>
Dictionary<Key, Value>