A Unicode string value that is a collection of characters.
iOS 8.0+
iPadOS 8.0+
macOS 10.10+
Mac Catalyst 13.0+
tvOS 9.0+
watchOS 2.0+
Xcode 6.0.1+
Swift Standard Library
A string is a series of characters, such as "Swift", that forms a collection. Strings in Swift are Unicode correct and locale insensitive, and are designed to be efficient. The String type bridges with the Objective-C class NSString and offers interoperability with C functions that works with strings.
You can create new strings using string literals or string interpolations. A string literal is a series of characters enclosed in quotes.
let greeting ="Welcome!"
String interpolations are string literals that evaluate any included expressions and convert the results to string form. String interpolations give you an easy way to build a string from multiple pieces. Wrap each expression in a string interpolation in parentheses, prefixed by a backslash.文字列補間は文字列リテラルです、それは、何らかの含まれた式を評価して、その結果を文字列形式へ変換します。文字列補間は、多様な断片からある文字列を組み立てる簡単な方法をあなたに提供します。文字列補間の中の式それぞれを丸括弧で包んで、バックスラッシュを前においてください。
let name ="Rosa"let personalizedGreeting ="Welcome, \(name)!"// personalizedGreeting == "Welcome, Rosa!"let price =2let number =3let cookiePrice ="\(number) cookies: $\(price * number)."// cookiePrice == "3 cookies: $6."
Combine strings using the concatenation operator (+).
Multiline string literals are enclosed in three double quotation marks ("""), with each delimiter on its own line. Indentation is stripped from each line of a multiline string literal to match the indentation of the closing delimiter.
Strings always have value semantics. Modifying a copy of a string leaves the original unaffected.
var otherGreeting = greetingotherGreeting +=" Have a nice time!"// otherGreeting == "Welcome! Have a nice time!"print(greeting)// Prints "Welcome!"
Comparing strings for equality using the equal-to operator (==) or a relational operator (like < or >=) is always performed using Unicode canonical representation. As a result, different representations of a string compare as being equal.
let cafe1 ="Cafe\u{301}"let cafe2 ="Café"print(cafe1 == cafe2)// Prints "true"
The Unicode scalar value "\u{301}" modifies the preceding character to include an accent, so "e\u{301}" has the same canonical representation as the single Unicode scalar value "é".
Basic string operations are not sensitive to locale settings, ensuring that string comparisons and other operations always have a single, stable result, allowing strings to be used as keys in Dictionary instances and for other purposes.
Accessing String Elements
A string is a collection of extended grapheme clusters, which approximate human-readable characters. Many individual characters, such as “é”, “김”, and “🇮🇳”, can be made up of multiple Unicode scalar values. These scalar values are combined by Unicode’s boundary algorithms into extended grapheme clusters, represented by the Swift Character type. Each element of a string is represented by a Character instance.
For example, to retrieve the first word of a longer string, you can search for a space and then create a substring from a prefix of the string up to that point:
let name ="Marie Curie"let firstSpace = name.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? name.endIndexlet firstName = name[..<firstSpace]// firstName == "Marie"
The firstName constant is an instance of the Substring type—a type that represents substrings of a string while sharing the original string’s storage. Substrings present the same interface as strings.firstName定数は、Substring型 — ある文字列の下位文字列をオリジナル文字列のもつストレージを共有している間に表す型のインスタンスです。下位文字列は、文字列と同じインターフェイスを提供します。
print("\(name)'s first name has \(firstName.count) letters.")// Prints "Marie Curie's first name has 5 letters."
Accessing a String’s Unicode Representation
If you need to access the contents of a string as encoded in different Unicode encodings, use one of the string’s unicodeScalars, utf16, or utf8 properties. Each property provides access to a view of the string as a series of code units, each encoded in a different Unicode encoding.
To demonstrate the different views available for every string, the following examples use this String instance:
let cafe ="Cafe\u{301} du 🌍"print(cafe)// Prints "Café du 🌍"
The cafe string is a collection of the nine characters that are visible when the string is displayed.cafe文字列は、9つの文字からなる1つのコレクションで、その文字列が表示される時に見られます。
print(cafe.count)// Prints "9"print(Array(cafe))// Prints "["C", "a", "f", "é", " ", "d", "u", " ", "🌍"]"
Unicode Scalar View
A string’s unicodeScalars property is a collection of Unicode scalar values, the 21-bit codes that are the basic unit of Unicode. Each scalar value is represented by a Unicode.Scalar instance and is equivalent to a UTF-32 code unit.
print(cafe.unicodeScalars.count)// Prints "10"print(Array(cafe.unicodeScalars))// Prints "["C", "a", "f", "e", "\u{0301}", " ", "d", "u", " ", "\u{0001F30D}"]"print(cafe.unicodeScalars.map { $0.value })// Prints "[67, 97, 102, 101, 769, 32, 100, 117, 32, 127757]"
The unicodeScalars view’s elements comprise each Unicode scalar value in the cafe string. In particular, because cafe was declared using the decomposed form of the "é" character, unicodeScalars contains the scalar values for both the letter "e" (101) and the accent character "´" (769).unicodeScalarsビューのもつ各要素は、cafe文字列の中の各ユニコードスカラー値からなります。とりわけ、cafeは分解形式の"é"文字を使って宣言されたことから、unicodeScalarsは字"e"(101)とアクセント文字"´"(769)両方のスカラー値を含みます。
UTF-16 View
A string’s utf16 property is a collection of UTF-16 code units, the 16-bit encoding form of the string’s Unicode scalar values. Each code unit is stored as a UInt16 instance.
print(cafe.utf16.count)// Prints "11"print(Array(cafe.utf16))// Prints "[67, 97, 102, 101, 769, 32, 100, 117, 32, 55356, 57101]"
The elements of the utf16 view are the code units for the string when encoded in UTF-16. These elements match those accessed through indexed NSString APIs.utf16ビューの要素は、UTF-16で符号化される時の文字列に対するコード単位です。それらの要素は、インデックス付きNSString APIを通してアクセスされるものと一致します。
let nscafe = cafe asNSStringprint(nscafe.length)// Prints "11"print(nscafe.character(at: 3))// Prints "101"
UTF-8 View
A string’s utf8 property is a collection of UTF-8 code units, the 8-bit encoding form of the string’s Unicode scalar values. Each code unit is stored as a UInt8 instance.
print(cafe.utf8.count)// Prints "14"print(Array(cafe.utf8))// Prints "[67, 97, 102, 101, 204, 129, 32, 100, 117, 32, 240, 159, 140, 141]"
The elements of the utf8 view are the code units for the string when encoded in UTF-8. This representation matches the one used when String instances are passed to C APIs.utf8ビューの要素は、UTF-8で符号化される時の文字列に対するコード単位です。この表現は、StringインスタンスがC APIに渡される時に使われるものと一致します。
let cLength = strlen(cafe)print(cLength)// Prints "14"
Measuring the Length of a String
When you need to know the length of a string, you must first consider what you’ll use the length for. Are you measuring the number of characters that will be displayed on the screen, or are you measuring the amount of storage needed for the string in a particular encoding? A single string can have greatly differing lengths when measured by its different views.
For example, an ASCII character like the capital letter A is represented by a single element in each of its four views. The Unicode scalar value of A is 65, which is small enough to fit in a single code unit in both UTF-16 and UTF-8.
let capitalA ="A"print(capitalA.count)// Prints "1"print(capitalA.unicodeScalars.count)// Prints "1"print(capitalA.utf16.count)// Prints "1"print(capitalA.utf8.count)// Prints "1"
On the other hand, an emoji flag character is constructed from a pair of Unicode scalar values, like "\u{1F1F5}" and "\u{1F1F7}". Each of these scalar values, in turn, is too large to fit into a single UTF-16 or UTF-8 code unit. As a result, each view of the string "🇵🇷" reports a different length.
let flag ="🇵🇷"print(flag.count)// Prints "1"print(flag.unicodeScalars.count)// Prints "2"print(flag.utf16.count)// Prints "4"print(flag.utf8.count)// Prints "8"
To check whether a string is empty, use its isEmpty property instead of comparing the length of one of the views to 0. Unlike with isEmpty, calculating a view’s count property requires iterating through the elements of the string.
Accessing String View Elements
To find individual elements of a string, use the appropriate view for your task. For example, to retrieve the first word of a longer string, you can search the string for a space and then create a new string from a prefix of the string up to that point.
let name ="Marie Curie"let firstSpace = name.firstIndex(of: " ") ?? name.endIndexlet firstName = name[..<firstSpace]print(firstName)// Prints "Marie"
Strings and their views share indices, so you can access the UTF-8 view of the name string using the same firstSpace index.
print(Array(name.utf8[..<firstSpace]))// Prints "[77, 97, 114, 105, 101]"
Note that an index into one view may not have an exact corresponding position in another view. For example, the flag string declared above comprises a single character, but is composed of eight code units when encoded as UTF-8. The following code creates constants for the first and second positions in the flag.utf8 view. Accessing the utf8 view with these indices yields the first and second code UTF-8 units.
When used to access the elements of the flag string itself, however, the secondCodeUnit index does not correspond to the position of a specific character. Instead of only accessing the specific UTF-8 code unit, that index is treated as the position of the character at the index’s encoded offset. In the case of secondCodeUnit, that character is still the flag itself.flag文字列それ自身の要素へのアクセスに使われる場合は、しかしながら、secondCodeUnitインデックスは特定の文字の位置に該当しません。特定のUTF-8コード単位にアクセスすることだけではなく、そのインデックスは、インデックスの持つエンコードされたオフセットでの文字の位置として扱われます。secondCodeUnitの場合では、その文字は依然として旗それ自体です。
If you need to validate that an index from one string’s view corresponds with an exact position in another view, use the index’s samePosition(in:) method or the init(_:within:) initializer.
iflet exactIndex = secondCodeUnit.samePosition(in: flag) {print(flag[exactIndex])} else {print("No exact match for this position.")}// Prints "No exact match for this position."
Performance Optimizations
Although strings in Swift have value semantics, strings use a copy-on-write strategy to store their data in a buffer. This buffer can then be shared by different copies of a string. A string’s data is only copied lazily, upon mutation, when more than one string instance is using the same buffer. Therefore, the first in any sequence of mutating operations may cost O(n) time and space.
When a string’s contiguous storage fills up, a new buffer must be allocated and data must be moved to the new storage. String buffers use an exponential growth strategy that makes appending to a string a constant time operation when averaged over many append operations.
Bridging Between String and NSString
Any String instance can be bridged to NSString using the type-cast operator (as), and any String instance that originates in Objective-C may use an NSString instance as its storage. Because any arbitrary subclass of NSString can become a String instance, there are no guarantees about representation or efficiency when a String instance is backed by NSString storage. Because NSString is immutable, it is just as though the storage was shared by a copy. The first in any sequence of mutating operations causes elements to be copied into unique, contiguous storage which may cost O(n) time and space, where n is the length of the string’s encoded representation (or more, if the underlying NSString has unusual performance characteristics).
In addition to creating a string from a single string literal, you can also create an empty string, a string containing an existing group of characters, or a string repeating the contents of another string.
Creates a new string with the specified capacity in UTF-8 code units, and then calls the given closure with a buffer covering the string’s uninitialized memory.
Creates a new string by copying and validating the null-terminated UTF-8 data referenced by the given pointer.
Returns an initialized String object that contains a given number of characters from a given array of Unicode characters.
Returns an initialized String object that contains a given number of characters from a given array of UTF-16 Code Units
Returns a string created by using a given format string as a template into which the remaining argument values are substituted according to the user’s default locale.
Produces an initialized String object that contains a given number of bytes from a given buffer of bytes interpreted in a given encoding, and optionally frees the buffer. WARNING: this initializer is not memory-safe!
Creates a new string by copying the null-terminated UTF-8 data referenced by the given pointer.
Creates a new string by copying the null-terminated UTF-8 data referenced by the given pointer.
Creates a new string by copying the null-terminated data referenced by the given pointer using the specified encoding.
Reserves enough space in the string’s underlying storage to store the specified number of ASCII characters.
Returns a new collection of the same type containing, in order, the elements of the original collection that satisfy the given predicate.
Returns a subsequence by skipping elements while predicate returns true and returning the remaining elements.predicateがtrueを返す間は要素を飛ばして残りの要素を返すことによって、ある下位シーケンスを返します。
Returns an uppercase version of the string.
Comparing Strings Using Operators
Comparing strings using the equal-to operator (==) or a relational operator (like < and >=) is always performed using the Unicode canonical representation, so that different representations of a string compare as being equal.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than or equal to that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is less than or equal to that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than or equal to that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value of the first argument is greater than or equal to that of the second argument.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain the same elements in the same order.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether this sequence and another sequence contain equivalent elements in the same order, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are the same as the elements in another sequence.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the initial elements of the sequence are equivalent to the elements in another sequence, using the given predicate as the equivalence test.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the less-than operator (<) to compare elements.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence precedes another sequence in a lexicographical (dictionary) ordering, using the given predicate to compare elements.
Returns the difference needed to produce this collection’s ordered elements from the given collection.
Returns the difference needed to produce this collection’s ordered elements from the given collection, using the given predicate as an equivalence test.
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the sequence contains an element that satisfies the given predicate.
Returns a subsequence, up to the specified maximum length, containing the initial elements of the collection.
Returns a subsequence containing the initial elements until predicate returns false and skipping the remaining elements.predicateがfalseを返すまで冒頭の要素を含んでいて残りの要素を飛ばしている、ある下位シーケンスを返します。
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, around elements equal to the given element.
Returns the longest possible subsequences of the collection, in order, that don’t contain elements satisfying the given predicate.
Returns whether this string is capable of providing access to validly-encoded UTF-8 contents in contiguous memory in O(1) time.
この文字列が、有効に符号化されたUTF-8内容に隣接メモリにおいて O(1) 時間でアクセスを提供する能力があるかどうかを返します。
If this string is not contiguous, make it so. If this mutates the string, it will invalidate any pre-existing indices.
Runs body over the content of this string in contiguous memory. If this string is not contiguous, this will first make it contiguous, which will also speed up subsequent access. If this mutates the string, it will invalidate any pre-existing indices.bodyを、隣接メモリの中のこの文字列の内容に対して実行します。この文字列が隣接しないならば、これは最初にそれを隣接させます、それはまた後に続くアクセスの速度を上げるでしょう。これが文字列を変化させるならば、それはあらゆる前から存在するインデックスを無効にするでしょう。
Returns an array containing the non-nil results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
Returns an array containing the concatenated results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
A sequence containing the same elements as this sequence, but on which some operations, such as map and filter, are implemented lazily.
Iterating over a String's Characters
Returns a sequence of pairs (n, x), where n represents a consecutive integer starting at zero and x represents an element of the sequence.
ペア (n, x) のシーケンスを返します、そこでnはゼロで開始する連続した数を表して、xはシーケンスの要素を表します。
Calls the given closure with a pointer to the contents of the string, represented as a null-terminated sequence of UTF-8 code units.
Calls the given closure with a pointer to the contents of the string, represented as a null-terminated sequence of code units.
A string’s “past the end” position—that is, the position one greater than the last valid subscript argument.
Returns an index that is the specified distance from the given index, unless that distance is beyond a given limiting index.
Offsets the given index by the specified distance, or so that it equals the given limiting index.
Executes a closure on the sequence’s contiguous storage.
Reference Types
Use bridged reference types when you need reference semantics or Foundation-specific behavior.
A static, plain-text Unicode string object that bridges to String; use NSString when you need reference semantics or other Foundation-specific behavior.
A dynamic plain-text Unicode string object, for use instead of a String variable in cases that require reference semantics.
A type that represents the number of steps between two String.Index values, where one value is reachable from the other.