Discussion 解説
This property is true for scalars that are rendered as emoji by default and also for scalars that have a non-default emoji rendering when followed by U+FE0F VARIATION SELECTOR-16. This includes some scalars that are not typically considered to be emoji: このプロパティがtrueであるのは、emojiとして初期状態で描出されるスカラーに対して、そしてまたU+FE0F VARIATION SELECTOR-16が後に続く場合に描出する非初期状態emojiを持つスカラーに対してです。これは、概してemojiであると考えられない幾つかのスカラーを含みます:
let scalars: [Unicode.Scalar] = ["😎", "$", "0"]
for s in scalars {
print(s, "-->", s.properties.isEmoji)
// 😎 --> true
// $ --> false
// 0 --> true
The final result is true because the ASCII digits have non-default emoji presentations; some platforms render these with an alternate appearance. 最後の結果はtrueです、なぜならASCII桁それらは非初期状態emoji表現を持つので;いくつかのプラットホームはそれらは代替の外観で描出します。
Because of this behavior, testing is
alone on a single scalar is insufficient to determine if a unit of text is rendered as an emoji; a correct test requires inspecting multiple scalars in a Character
. In addition to checking whether the base scalar has is
, you must also check its default presentation (see is
) and determine whether it is followed by a variation selector that would modify the presentation.
This property corresponds to the “Emoji” property in the Unicode Standard. このプロパティは、ユニコード標準における “Emoji” に相当します。