static var boldText : AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all the ranges of bolded text.
static var headings: AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all headings.
static var images: AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all images.
static var italicText : AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all the ranges of italicized text.
static var landmarks: AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all landmarks.
static var links: AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all links.
static var lists: AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all lists.
static var misspelledWords : AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all the ranges of mis-spelled words.
static var tables: AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all tables.
static var textFields : AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all text fields.
static var underlineText : AccessibilitySystemRotor
System Rotor allowing users to iterate through all the ranges of underlined text.