Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Returns a new set with the elements that are either in this set or in the given set, but not in both.

Declaration 宣言

func symmetricDifference(_ other: AccessibilityTraits) -> AccessibilityTraits

Return Value 戻り値

A new set. 新しい集合。

Parameters パラメータ


A set of the same type as the current set. 現在の集合と同じ型の集合。

Discussion 議論

In the following example, the eitherNeighborsOrEmployees set is made up of the elements of the employees and neighbors sets that are not in both employees and neighbors. In particular, the names "Bethany" and "Eric" do not appear in eitherNeighborsOrEmployees.

let employees: Set = ["Alicia", "Bethany", "Diana", "Eric"]
let neighbors: Set = ["Bethany", "Eric", "Forlani"]
let eitherNeighborsOrEmployees = employees.symmetricDifference(neighbors)
// Prints "["Diana", "Forlani", "Alicia"]"