Type Method 型メソッド


An angular gradient, which applies the color function as the angle changes between the start and end angles, and anchored to a relative center point within the filled shape.

Declaration 宣言

static func angularGradient(_ gradient: Gradient, center: UnitPoint, startAngle: Angle, endAngle: Angle) -> AngularGradient
Available when Self is AngularGradient.

Parameters パラメータ


The gradient to use for filling the shape, providing the colors and their relative stop locations.


The relative center of the gradient, mapped from the unit space into the bounding rectangle of the filled shape.


The angle that marks the beginning of the gradient.


The angle that marks the end of the gradient.

Discussion 議論

An angular gradient is also known as a “conic” gradient. If endAngle - startAngle > 2π, the gradient only draws the last complete turn. 角勾配はまた “円錐” 勾配として知られます。endAngle - startAngle > 2πならば、勾配は最後の完了回転を描画するだけです。 If endAngle - startAngle < 2π, the gradient fills the missing area with the colors defined by gradient stop locations at 0 and 1, transitioning between the two halfway across the missing area.

For example, an angular gradient used as a background:

let gradient = Gradient(colors: [.red, .yellow])


For information about how to use shape styles, see ShapeStyle.