Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Steps a value through a range in response to page up or page down commands.

Declaration 宣言

func pageCommand<V>(value: Binding<V>, in bounds: ClosedRange<V>, step: V = 1) -> some View where V : BinaryInteger

Parameters パラメータ


A Binding to the value to modify when the user pages up or down.


A closed range that specifies the upper and lower bounds of value.


The amount by which to increment or decrement value. Defaults to 1.

Discussion 議論

Use this command to step through sections of a data model associated with a view by providing a binding to a value, a range, and step. If taking another step would cause the value to exceed the bounds, then the value remains unchanged.

On tvOS, the user triggers ‘pageUp’ and ‘pageDown’ commands by pressing a dedicated button on a connected remote. For example, you can let a user page through a TV programming guide using the channel buttons:

struct GuideView: View {
    @State private var pageOffset: Int = 0

    var body: some View {
        GuideContent(at: pageOffset)
                value: $pageOffset,
                in: 0...9,
                step: 1)