case sRGB
The extended red, green, blue (sRGB) color space.
case sRGBLinear
The extended sRGB color space with a linear transfer function.
case displayP3
The Display P3 color space.
Availability 有効性
enum RGBColorSpace
case sRGB
case sRGBLinear
case displayP3
static func == (Color.RGBColorSpace , Color.RGBColorSpace ) -> Bool
static func != (Self, Self) -> Bool
func hash(into: inout Hasher)
var hashValue : Int
init(hue: Double, saturation: Double, brightness: Double, opacity: Double)
init(Color.RGBColorSpace , white: Double, opacity: Double)
init(Color.RGBColorSpace , red: Double, green: Double, blue: Double, opacity: Double)