

Command menus are stand-alone, top-level containers for controls that perform related, app-specific commands. コマンドメニューは、関連した、アプリ特定のコマンドを実行するコントロールに対する単独動作型の、トップレベルコンテナです。

Declaration 宣言

struct CommandMenu<Content> where Content : View

Overview 概要

Command menus are realized as menu bar menus on macOS, inserted between the built-in View and Window menus in order of declaration. On iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS, SwiftUI creates key commands for each of a menu’s commands that has a keyboard shortcut.

Topics 話題

Creating a Command Menu

Supporting Types 支援を行う型

Relationships 関係

Conforms To 次に準拠

See Also 参照
