Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Populates the toolbar or navigation bar with the specified items. ツールバーまたはナビゲーションバーにこの指定された項目それらを投入します。

Declaration 宣言

func toolbar<Content>(content: () -> Content) -> some View where Content : ToolbarContent

Parameters パラメータ


The items representing the content of the toolbar.

Discussion 議論

Use this method to populate a toolbar with a collection of views that you provide to a toolbar view builder.

The toolbar modifier expects a collection of toolbar items which you can provide either by supplying a collection of views with each view wrapped in a ToolbarItem, or by providing a collection of views as a ToolbarItemGroup. The example below uses a collection of ToolbarItem views to create a macOS toolbar that supports text editing features:

struct StructToolbarItemGroupView: View {
    @State private var text = ""
    @State private var bold = false
    @State private var italic = false
    @State private var fontSize = 12.0

    var displayFont: Font {
        let font = Font.system(size: CGFloat(fontSize),
                               weight: bold == true ? .bold : .regular)
        return italic == true ? font.italic() : font

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            TextEditor(text: $text)
                .toolbar {
                    ToolbarItemGroup {
                            value: $fontSize,
                            in: 8...120,
                                Text("A").font(.system(size: 8)),
                                Text("A").font(.system(size: 16))
                        ) {
                            Text("Font Size (\(Int(fontSize)))")
                        .frame(width: 150)
                        Toggle(isOn: $bold) {
                            Image(systemName: "bold")
                        Toggle(isOn: $italic) {
                            Image(systemName: "italic")
        .navigationTitle("My Note")

A window showing a font size selector, and toggles for bold, italic.

Although it’s not mandatory, wrapping a related group of toolbar items together in a ToolbarItemGroup provides a one-to-one mapping between controls and toolbar items which results in the correct layout and spacing on each platform. For design guidance on toolbars for macOS apps, see macOS Human Interface Guidelines > Toolbars. For design guidance on toolbars for iOS apps, see iOS Human Interface Guidelines > Toolbars.