

A view that doesn’t contain any content.

Declaration 宣言

@frozen struct EmptyView

Overview 概要

You will rarely, if ever, need to create an EmptyView directly. Instead, EmptyView represents the absence of a view.

SwiftUI uses EmptyView in situations where a SwiftUI view type defines one or more child views with generic parameters, and allows the child views to be absent. When absent, the child view’s type in the generic type parameter is EmptyView.

The following example creates an indeterminate ProgressView without a label. The ProgressView type declares two generic parameters, Label and CurrentValueLabel, for the types used by its subviews. When both subviews are absent, like they are here, the resulting type is ProgressView<EmptyView, EmptyView>, as indicated by the example’s output:

let progressView = ProgressView()
// Prints: ProgressView<EmptyView, EmptyView>

Topics 話題

Creating an Empty View 空のビューを作成する

Supporting Types 支援を行う型

Default Implementations 省略時実装

Relationships 関係

Conforms To 次に準拠

See Also 参照

Supporting View Types