Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Modifies this view by injecting a value that you provide for use by other views whose state depends on the focused scene.

Declaration 宣言

func focusedSceneValue<T>(_ keyPath: WritableKeyPath<FocusedValues, T?>, _ value: T) -> some View

Return Value 戻り値

A modified representation of this view. このビューの修正された表現。

Parameters パラメータ


The key path to associate value with when adding it to the existing table of published focus values.


The focus value to publish.

Discussion 議論

Use this method instead of focusedValue(_:_:) for values that must be visible regardless of where focus is located in the active scene. For example, if an app needs a command for moving focus to a particular text field in the sidebar, it could use this modifier to publish a button action that’s visible to command views as long as the scene is active, and regardless of where focus happens to be in it.

struct Sidebar: View {
    @FocusState var isFiltering: Bool

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                .focused(when: $isFiltering)
                .focusedSceneValue(\.filterAction) {
                    isFiltering = true

struct NavigationCommands: Commands {
    @FocusedValue(\.filterAction) var filterAction

    var body: some Commands {
        CommandMenu("Navigate") {
            Button("Filter in Sidebar") {
        .disabled(filterAction == nil)

struct FilterActionKey: FocusedValuesKey {
    typealias Value = () -> Void

extension FocusedValues {
    var filterAction: (() -> Void)? {
        get { self[FilterActionKey.self] }
        set { self[FilterActionKey.self] = newValue }