Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Indicates whether SwiftUI renders an image as-is, or by using a different mode.

Declaration 宣言

func renderingMode(_ renderingMode: Image.TemplateRenderingMode?) -> Image

Return Value 戻り値

A modified Image.

Parameters パラメータ


The mode SwiftUI uses to render images.

Discussion 議論

The Image.TemplateRenderingMode enumeration has two cases: Image.TemplateRenderingMode.original and Image.TemplateRenderingMode.template. The original mode renders pixels as they appear in the original source image. Template mode renders all nontransparent pixels as the foreground color, which you can use for purposes like creating image masks.

The following example shows both rendering modes, as applied to an icon image of a green circle with darker green border:


Two identically-sized circle images. The circle on top is green

You also use renderingMode to produce multicolored system graphics from the SF Symbols set. Use the Image.TemplateRenderingMode.original mode to apply a foreground color to all parts of the symbol except those that have a distinct color in the graphic. The following example shows three uses of the symbol to achieve different effects:

  • A default appearance with no foreground color or template rendering mode specified. The symbol appears all black in light mode, and all white in Dark Mode.

  • The multicolor behavior achieved by using original template rendering mode, along with a blue foreground color. This mode causes the graphic to override the foreground color for distinctive parts of the image, in this case the plus icon.

  • A single-color template behavior achieved by using template rendering mode with a blue foreground color. This mode applies the foreground color to the entire image, regardless of the user’s Appearance preferences.

HStack {
   Image(systemName: "")
   Image(systemName: "")
   Image(systemName: "")

A horizontal layout of three versions of the same symbol: a person

Use the SF Symbols app to find system images that offer the multicolor feature. Keep in mind that some multicolor symbols use both the foreground and accent colors.

See Also 参照

Specifying Rendering Behavior