

Options for how a keyboard shortcut participates in automatic localization.

Declaration 宣言

struct Localization

Overview 概要

A shortcut’s key that is defined on an US-English keyboard layout might not be reachable on international layouts. For example the shortcut ⌘[ works well for the US layout but is hard to reach for German users. On the German keyboard layout, pressing ⌥5 will produce [, which causes the shortcut to become ⌥⌘5. If configured, which is the default behavior, automatic shortcut remapping will convert it to ⌘Ö.

In addition to that, some keyboard shortcuts carry information about directionality. Right-aligning a block of text or seeking forward in context of music playback are such examples. These kinds of shortcuts benefit from the option withoutMirroring to tell the system that they won’t be flipped when running in a right-to-left context.

Topics 話題

Getting Localization Strategies

See Also 参照

Creating a Localized Shortcut