

Key equivalents consist of a letter, punctuation, or function key that can be combined with an optional set of modifier keys to specify a keyboard shortcut.

Declaration 宣言

struct KeyEquivalent

Overview 概要

Key equivalents are used to establish keyboard shortcuts to app functionality. Any key can be used as a key equivalent as long as pressing it produces a single character value. Key equivalents are typically initialized using a single-character string literal, with constants for unprintable or hard-to-type values.

The modifier keys necessary to type a key equivalent are factored in to the resulting keyboard shortcut. That is, a key equivalent whose raw value is the capitalized string “A” corresponds with the keyboard shortcut Command-Shift-A. The exact mapping may depend on the keyboard layout—for example, a key equivalent with the character value “}” produces a shortcut equivalent to Command-Shift-] on ANSI keyboards, but would produce a different shortcut for keyboard layouts where punctuation characters are in different locations.

Topics 話題

Getting Arrow Keys

Creating a Key Equivalent

See Also 参照

Keyboard Shortcuts