Presentation Containers

Enable navigation among different parts of your app’s view hierarchy.

Overview 概要

Use presentation containers to provide structure to your app’s user interface, enabling users to easily move among the parts of your app. For example, you can enable users to navigate forward and backward through a stack of views using a NavigationView, choose which view to display from a tab bar using a TabView, or progressively disclose views in a tree structure using an OutlineGroup.

A presentation view might act as the root view of a Scene, but not all scenes require a presentation view. You can also create complex behaviors by nesting certain presentation views inside other presentation views. For example, you can create an outline in the primary pane of a multi-pane window that drives the content in the detail pane by embedding an outline group inside a navigation view.

If you want to present alerts, sheets, popovers, or other kinds of modal views, see Presentation Modifiers instead.

Topics 話題



Tab Views

Split Views


Present data at scheduled points in time.


The Touch Bar

See Also 参照

View Containers