

A simulator device that runs a preview.

Declaration 宣言

struct PreviewDevice

Overview 概要

Create a preview device by name, like “iPhone X”, or by model number, like “iPad8,1”. Use the device in a call to the previewDevice(_:) modifier to set a preview device that doesn’t change when you change the run destination in Xcode:

struct CircleImage_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
            .previewDevice(PreviewDevice(rawValue: "iPad Pro (11-inch)"))

You can get a list of supported preview device names by using the xcrun command in the Terminal app:

% xcrun simctl list devicetypes

Additionally, you can use the following values for macOS platform development:

  • “Mac”

  • “Mac Catalyst”

Topics 話題

Creating a Preview Device プレビューデバイスを作成する

Identifying Related Types 関連型を識別する

See Also 参照

Preview Customization プレビューカスタマイゼーション