Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Scans all scroll views contained by the proxy for the first with a child view with identifier id, and then scrolls to that view.

Declaration 宣言

func scrollTo<ID>(_ id: ID, anchor: UnitPoint? = nil) where ID : Hashable

Parameters パラメータ


The identifier of a child view to scroll to.


The alignment behavior of the scroll action.

Discussion 議論

If anchor is nil, this method finds the container of the identified view, and scrolls the minimum amount to make the identified view wholly visible.

If anchor is non-nil, it defines the points in the identified view and the scroll view to align. For example, setting anchor to top aligns the top of the identified view to the top of the scroll view. Similarly, setting anchor to bottom aligns the bottom of the identified view to the bottom of the scroll view, and so on.