

Creates a slider to select a value from a given range, which displays the provided label.

Declaration 宣言

init<V>(value: Binding<V>, in bounds: ClosedRange<V> = 0...1, onEditingChanged: @escaping (Bool) -> Void = { _ in }, label: () -> Label) where V : BinaryFloatingPoint, V.Stride : BinaryFloatingPoint
Available when Label conforms to View and ValueLabel is EmptyView.

Parameters パラメータ


The selected value within bounds.


The range of the valid values. Defaults to 0...1.


A callback for when editing begins and ends.


A View that describes the purpose of the instance. Not all slider styles show the label, but even in those cases, SwiftUI uses the label for accessibility. For example, VoiceOver uses the label to identify the purpose of the slider.

Discussion 議論

The value of the created instance is equal to the position of the given value within bounds, mapped into 0...1.

The slider calls onEditingChanged when editing begins and ends. For example, on iOS, editing begins when the user starts to drag the thumb along the slider’s track.

See Also 参照

Deprecated Initializers