Enumeration 列挙


The type of truncation to apply to a line of text when it’s too long to fit in the available space. それが利用可能な空間に収まるには長すぎるところのテキストのある行に適用する切り詰めの型。

Declaration 宣言

enum TruncationMode

Overview 概要

When a text view contains more text than it’s able to display, the view might truncate the text and place an ellipsis (…) at the truncation point. Use the truncationMode(_:) modifier with one of the TruncationMode values to indicate which part of the text to truncate, either at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end.

Topics 話題

Getting Text Truncation Modes

Comparing Truncation Modes 切り詰めモードを比較する

Default Implementations 省略時実装

Relationships 関係

Conforms To 次に準拠

See Also 参照

Text Layout