

A wrapper for a UIKit view that you use to integrate that view into your SwiftUI view hierarchy. UIKitビューに対するラッパー、それはあなたがそのビューをあなたのSwiftUIビュー階層へと統合するために使用します。

Declaration 宣言

protocol UIViewRepresentable : View where Self.Body == Never

Overview 概要

Use a UIViewRepresentable instance to create and manage a UIView object in your SwiftUI interface. Adopt this protocol in one of your app’s custom instances, and use its methods to create, update, and tear down your view. The creation and update processes parallel the behavior of SwiftUI views, and you use them to configure your view with your app’s current state information. Use the teardown process to remove your view cleanly from your SwiftUI. For example, you might use the teardown process to notify other objects that the view is disappearing. 解体処理を使って、あなたのビューをあなたのSwiftUIからきれいに取り除いてください。例えば、あなたは解体処理を使って、ビューが見えなくしている他のオブジェクトに通知します。

To add your view into your SwiftUI interface, create your UIViewRepresentable instance and add it to your SwiftUI interface. The system calls the methods of your representable instance at appropriate times to create and update the view. システムは、あなたの表現可能なインスタンスのメソッドを適時に呼び出して、ビューを作成および更新します。 The following example shows the inclusion of a custom MyRepresentedCustomView structure in the view hierarchy.

struct ContentView: View {
   var body: some View {
      VStack {
         Text("Global Sales")

The system doesn’t automatically communicate changes occurring within your view to other parts of your SwiftUI interface. When you want your view to coordinate with other SwiftUI views, you must provide a Coordinator instance to facilitate those interactions. For example, you use a coordinator to forward target-action and delegate messages from your view to any SwiftUI views. 例えば、あなたはあるコーディネータを使って、ターゲットアクションと委任先メッセージをあなたのビューからあらゆるSwiftUIビューへと転送します。

Topics 話題

Creating and Updating the View ビューの作成と更新

Cleaning Up the View ビューをきれいに片付ける

Providing a Custom Coordinator Object あつらえのコーデネータオブジェクトを提供する

Relationships 関係

Inherits From 継承元

See Also 参照

UIKit Views in SwiftUI Apps