Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Adds a descriptor to a View that represents a chart to make the chart’s contents accessible to all users.

Declaration 宣言

func accessibilityChartDescriptor<R>(_ representable: R) -> some View where R : AXChartDescriptorRepresentable

Parameters パラメータ


The AXChartDescriptorRepresentable used to describe your chart and its data.

Discussion 議論

Use this method to provide information about your chart view to allow VoiceOver and other assistive technology users to perceive and interact with your chart and its data.

This may be applied to any View that represents a chart, including Image and custom-rendered chart views.

The accessibilityChartDescriptor modifier can be applied to -any- view representing a chart, the simplest case being just an image of a chart. The implementation details of the view aren’t important, only the fact that it represents a chart, and that the provided chart descriptor accurately describes the content of the chart.

Example usage:

First define your AXChartDescriptorRepresentable type.

struct MyChartDescriptorRepresentable: AXChartDescriptorRepresentable { func makeChartDescriptor() -> AXChartDescriptor { // build and return your AXChartDescriptor here }

   func updateChartDescriptor(_ descriptor: AXChartDescriptor) {
      // Update your chart descriptor with any new values, or
      // don't override if your chart doesn't have changing values.


Then use the accessibilityChartDescriptor modifier to provide an instance of your AXChartDescriptorRepresentable type to the view representing your chart:

SomeChartView() .accessibilityChartDescriptor(MyChartDescriptorRepresentable())

See Also 参照
