Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Sets the primary and secondary levels of the foreground style in the child view.

Declaration 宣言

func foregroundStyle<S1, S2>(_ primary: S1, _ secondary: S2) -> some View where S1 : ShapeStyle, S2 : ShapeStyle

Return Value 戻り値

A view that uses the given foreground styles.

Parameters パラメータ


The primary color or pattern to use when filling in the foreground elements. To indicate a specific value, use Color or image(_:sourceRect:scale:), or one of the gradient types, like linearGradient(colors:startPoint:endPoint:). To set a style that’s relative to the containing view’s style, use one of the semantic styles, like primary.


The secondary color or pattern to use when filling in the foreground elements.

Discussion 議論

SwiftUI uses these styles when rendering child views that don’t have an explicit rendering style, like images, text, shapes, and so on.

Symbol images within the view hierarchy use the palette rendering mode when you apply this modifier, if you don’t explicitly specify another mode.

See Also 参照

Colors and Patterns