Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Applies a modifier to a view and returns a new view.

Declaration 宣言

func modifier<T>(_ modifier: T) -> ModifiedContent<Self, T>

Parameters パラメータ


The modifier to apply to this view.

Discussion 議論

Use this modifier to combine a View and a ViewModifier, to create a new view. For example, if you create a view modifier for a new kind of caption with blue text surrounded by a rounded rectangle:

struct BorderedCaption: ViewModifier {
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15)
                    .stroke(lineWidth: 1)

You can use modifier(_:) to extend View to create new modifier for applying the BorderedCaption defined above:

extension View {
    func borderedCaption() -> some View {

Then you can apply the bordered caption to any view:

Image(systemName: "bus")
    .frame(width:50, height:50)
Text("Downtown Bus")

A screenshot showing the image of a bus with a caption reading

See Also 参照

Implementing a Custom View カスタムビューを実装する