func onPasteCommand (of: [String], perform: ([NSItemProvider ]) -> Void) -> some View
Adds an action to perform in response to the system’s Paste command.
func onPasteCommand <Payload>(of: [String], validator: ([NSItemProvider ]) -> Payload?, perform: (Payload) -> Void) -> some View
Adds an action to perform in response to the system’s Paste command with items that you validate.
func onDrop (of: [String], delegate: DropDelegate ) -> some View
Defines the destination for a drag and drop operation with the same size and position as this view, with behavior controlled by the given delegate.
func onDrop (of: [String], isTargeted : Binding<Bool>?, perform: ([NSItemProvider ]) -> Bool) -> some View
Defines the destination for a drag and drop operation, using the same size and position as this view, handling dropped content with the given closure.
func onDrop (of: [String], isTargeted : Binding<Bool>?, perform: ([NSItemProvider ], CGPoint) -> Bool) -> some View
Defines the destination for a drag and drop operation with the same size and position as this view, handling dropped content and the drop location with the given closure.
func focusable(Bool, onFocusChange : (Bool) -> Void) -> some View
Specifies if the view is focusable and, if so, adds an action to perform when the view comes into focus.