Instance Method インスタンスメソッド


Layers a shape that you specify in front of this view.

Declaration 宣言

func overlay<S, T>(_ style: S, in shape: T, fillStyle: FillStyle = FillStyle()) -> some View where S : ShapeStyle, T : Shape

Return Value 戻り値

A view with the specified shape drawn in front of it.

Parameters パラメータ


A ShapeStyle that SwiftUI uses to the fill the shape that you specify.


An instance of a type that conforms to Shape that SwiftUI draws in front of the view.


The FillStyle to use when drawing the shape. The default style uses the nonzero winding number rule and antialiasing.

Discussion 議論

Use this modifier to layer a type that conforms to the Shape protocol — like a Rectangle, Circle, or Capsule — in front of a view. Specify a ShapeStyle that’s used to fill the shape. For example, you can overlay the outline of one rectangle in front of another:

    .frame(width: 200, height: 100)
    .overlay(.teal, in: Rectangle().inset(by: 10).stroke(lineWidth: 5))

The example above uses the inset(by:) method to slightly reduce the size of the overlaid rectangle, and the stroke(lineWidth:) method to fill only the shape’s outline. This creates an inset border:

A screenshot of a rectangle with a teal border that’s

This modifier is a convenience method for layering a shape over a view. To handle the more general case of overlaying a View — or a stack of views — with control over the position, use overlay(alignment:content:) instead. To cover a view with a ShapeStyle, use overlay(_:ignoresSafeAreaEdges:).

See Also 参照

Foreground Elements