Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
A mapping closure. transform accepts an element of this sequence as its parameter and returns a transformed value of the same or of a different type.
Return Value
An asynchronous sequence that contains, in order, the non-nil elements produced by the transform closure.
Use the compactMap(_:) method to transform every element received from a base asynchronous sequence, while also discarding any nil results from the closure. Typically, you use this to transform from one type of element to another.compactMap(_:)メソッドを使うことで、基底非同期シーケンスから受け取ったあらゆる要素を変換してください、そして一方でまたあらゆるnil結果をクロージャから廃棄して。概して、あなたはこれを使ってある型の要素から別のものへと変換します。
In this example, an asynchronous sequence called Counter produces Int values from 1 to 5. The closure provided to the compactMap(_:) method takes each Int and looks up a corresponding String from a romanNumeralDict dictionary. Because there is no key for 4, the closure returns nil in this case, which compactMap(_:) omits from the transformed asynchronous sequence.
let romanNumeralDict: [Int : String] = [1: "I", 2: "II", 3: "III", 5: "V"]let stream =Counter(howHigh: 5) .compactMap { romanNumeralDict[$0] }forawait numeral in stream {print("\(numeral) ", terminator: " ")}// Prints: I II III V
Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps the given error-throwing closure over the asynchronous sequence’s elements.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that maps an error-throwing closure over the base sequence’s elements, omitting results that don’t return a value.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given transformation with each element of this sequence.
Creates an asynchronous sequence that concatenates the results of calling the given error-throwing transformation with each element of this sequence.
Returns the result of combining the elements of the asynchronous sequence using the given closure, given a mutable initial value.