Instances of DateFormatter create string representations of NSDate objects, and convert textual representations of dates and times into NSDate objects. For user-visible representations of dates and times, DateFormatter provides a variety of localized presets and configuration options. For fixed format representations of dates and times, you can specify a custom format string.DateFormatterのインスタンスはNSDateオブジェクトの文字列表現を作成します、そして日付と時刻のテキスト表現をNSDateオブジェクトへと変換します。ユーザが見ることができる日付と時刻の表現に対して、DateFormatterは様々なローカライズされた事前設定や構成設定オプションを提供します。日付と時刻の固定形式の表現に対して、あなたは誂えの書式設定文字列を指定できます。
If you need to define a format that cannot be achieved using the predefined styles, you can use the setLocalizedDateFormatFromTemplate(_:) to specify a localized date format from a template.
Working With Fixed Format Date Representations
When working with fixed format dates, such as RFC 3339, you set the dateFormat property to specify a format string. For most fixed formats, you should also set the locale property to a POSIX locale ("en_US_POSIX"), and set the timeZone property to UTC.
固定された書式設定日付を扱う場合、例えばRFC 3339など、あなたはdateFormatプロパティを設定して、書式設定文字列を指定します。最も固定された書式設定のために、あなたはまたlocaleプロパティをPOSIXロケール("en_US_POSIX")に設定すべきです、そしてtimeZoneプロパティをUTCに設定すべきです。
On iOS 7 and later NSDateFormatter is thread safe.
iOS 7以降ではNSDateFormatterはスレッド安全です。
In macOS 10.9 and later NSDateFormatter is thread safe so long as you are using the modern behavior in a 64-bit app.
macOS 10.9以降ではNSDateFormatterはスレッド安全です、あなたがモダンな挙動を64-bitアプリにおいて使っている限りは。
On earlier versions of the operating system, or when using the legacy formatter behavior or running in 32-bit in macOS, NSDateFormatter is not thread safe, and you therefore must not mutate a date formatter simultaneously from multiple threads.
Returns a date representation of a specified string that the system interprets using the receiver’s current settings.
Returns a string representation of a specified date that the system formats using the receiver’s current settings.
Returns a string representation of a specified date, that the system formats for the current locale using the specified date and time styles.
Returns by reference a date representation of a specified string and its date range, as well as a Boolean value that indicates whether the system can parse the string.
Returns a localized date format string representing the given date format components arranged appropriately for the specified locale.
A Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver uses phrases such as “today” and “tomorrow” for the date component.
レシーバが語句、例えば “today” や “tomorrow” を日付構成要素に対して使うかどうかを指し示すブール値。