var doesRelativeDateFormatting : Bool
A Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver uses phrases such as “today” and “tomorrow” for the date component.
レシーバが語句、例えば “today” や “tomorrow” を日付構成要素に対して使うかどうかを指し示すブール値。
Availability 有効性
var isLenient: Bool
{ get set }
if the receiver has been set to use heuristics when parsing a string to guess at the date which is intended, otherwise false
If a formatter is set to be lenient, when parsing a string it uses heuristics to guess at the date which is intended. As with any guessing, it may get the result date wrong (that is, a date other than that which was intended). フォーマッタが寛大であるように設定されるならば、文字列を構文解析する場合それは発見的手法を使って意図される日付を推測します。あらゆる推論と同様に、それは間違った結果日付を得るかもしれません(すなわち、意図されたもの以外の日付)。
var doesRelativeDateFormatting : Bool