var fileWrappers : [String : FileWrapper]?
The file wrappers contained by a directory file wrapper.
func addFileWrapper (FileWrapper) -> String
Adds a child file wrapper to the receiver, which must be a directory file wrapper.
func removeFileWrapper (FileWrapper)
Removes a child file wrapper from the receiver, which must be a directory file wrapper.
func addFile (withPath : String) -> String
Creates a file wrapper from a given file-system node and adds it to the receiver, which must be a directory file wrapper.
func addRegularFile (withContents : Data, preferredFilename : String) -> String
Creates a regular-file file wrapper with the given contents and adds it to the receiver, which must be a directory file wrapper.
func addSymbolicLink (withDestination : String, preferredFilename : String) -> String
Creates a symbolic-link file wrapper pointing to a given file-system node and adds it to the receiver, which must be a directory file wrapper.
func keyForChildFileWrapper (FileWrapper) -> String?
Returns the dictionary key used by a directory to identify a given file wrapper.
var symbolicLinkDestinationURL : URL?
The URL referenced by the file wrapper object, which must be a symbolic-link file wrapper.