If you specify a “wrap” option (wrapComponents), the specified components are incremented and wrap around to zero/one on overflow, but do not cause higher units to be incremented. When the wrap option is not specified, overflow in a unit carries into the higher units, as in typical addition.
あなたが “wrap” オプション(wrapComponents)を指定するならば、指定された構成要素は漸増されて、オーバーフローに関して0/1ラップアラウンドをします、しかしより高位の単位の漸増を引き起こしません。ラップオプションが指定されない場合、ある単位におけるオーバーフローはより高位の単位にまで至ります、典型的な加算におけるように。
Return Value
An NSDateComponents object whose components are specified by unitFlags and calculated from the difference between the resultDate and startDate using the options specified by options. Returns nil if either date falls outside the defined range of the receiver or if the computation cannot be performed.
The result is lossy if there is not a small enough unit requested to hold the full precision of the difference. Some operations can be ambiguous, and the behavior of the computation is calendar-specific, but generally larger components will be computed before smaller components; for example, in the Gregorian calendar a result might be 1 month and 5 days instead of, for example, 0 months and 35 days. The resulting component values may be negative if resultDate is before startDate.
The following example shows how to get the approximate number of months and days between two dates using an existing calendar (gregorian):
Returns all the date components of a date, as if in a given time zone (instead of the receiving calendar’s time zone).
Returns a date representing the absolute time calculated by adding given components to a given date.