class func cgAffineTransform (for: String) -> CGAffineTransform
Returns a Core Graphics affine transform structure corresponding to the data in a given string.
与えられた文字列の中のデータに相当するCore Graphicsアフィン変換構造体を返します。
class func cgPoint (for: String) -> CGPoint
Returns a Core Graphics point structure corresponding to the data in a given string.
与えられた文字列の中のデータに相当するCore Graphics point構造体を返します。
class func cgRect (for: String) -> CGRect
Returns a Core Graphics rectangle structure corresponding to the data in a given string.
与えられた文字列の中のデータに相当するCore Graphics矩形構造体を返します。
class func cgSize (for: String) -> CGSize
Returns a Core Graphics size structure corresponding to the data in a given string.
与えられた文字列の中のデータに相当するCore Graphicsサイズ構造体を返します。
class func cgVector (for: String) -> CGVector
Returns a Core Graphics vector corresponding to the data in a given string.
与えられた文字列の中のデータに相当するCore Graphicsベクトル構造体を返します。
class func nsDirectionalEdgeInsets (for: String) -> NSDirectionalEdgeInsets
Returns a directional edge insets structure based on data in the specified string.
class func uiEdgeInsets (for: String) -> UIEdgeInsets
Returns a UIKit edge insets structure based on the data in the specified string.
class func uiOffset (for: String) -> UIOffset
Returns a UIKit offset structure corresponding to the data in a given string.
class func string(for: CGRect) -> String
Returns a string formatted to contain the data from a rectangle.
class func string(for: CGVector) -> String
Returns a string formatted to contain the data from a vector data structure.
class func string(for: CGAffineTransform) -> String
Returns a string formatted to contain the data from an affine transform.
class func string(for: CGPoint) -> String
Returns a string formatted to contain the data from a point.
class func string(for: CGSize) -> String
Returns a string formatted to contain the data from a size data structure.
class func string(for: NSDirectionalEdgeInsets) -> String
Returns a string formatted to contain the data from a directional edge insets structure.
class func string(for: UIOffset) -> String
Returns a string formatted to contain the data from an offset structure.