var firstIndex : Int
The first index in the index set.
func indexLessThanIndex (Int) -> Int
Returns either the closest index in the index set that is less than a specific index or the not-found indicator.
func indexLessThanOrEqual (to: Int) -> Int
Returns either the closest index in the index set that is less than or equal to a specific index or the not-found indicator.
func indexGreaterThanOrEqual (to: Int) -> Int
Returns either the closest index in the index set that is greater than or equal to a specific index or the not-found indicator.
func indexGreaterThanIndex (Int) -> Int
Returns either the closest index in the index set that is greater than a specific index or the not-found indicator.
func getIndexes (UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>, maxCount : Int, inIndexRange : NSRangePointer?) -> Int
The index set fills an index buffer with the indexes contained both in the index set and in an index range, returning the number of indexes copied.