Call this method when you want to retrieve the item provider’s data. If the item provider object is able to provide data in the requested type, it does so and asynchronously executes your completionHandler block with the results. The block may be executed on a background thread.
The type information for the first parameter of your completionHandler block should be set to the class of the expected type. For example, when requesting text data, you might set the type of the first parameter to NSString or NSAttributedString. An item provider can perform simple type conversions of the data to the class you specify, such as from NSURL to NSData or FileWrapper, or from NSData to UIImage (in iOS) or NSImage (in macOS). If the data could not be retrieved or coerced to the specified class, an error is passed to the completion block’s.
Asynchronously copies the provided, typed data into a Data object, returning a Progress object.
Asynchronously writes a copy of the provided, typed data to a temporary file, returning a Progress object.
Asynchronously loads an object of a specified class to an item provider, returning a Progress object.