As an example, the following script specifies both an application and a window by name. In this script, the named window’s implicitly specified container is the Finder application’s list of open windows.
tell application "Finder" -- specifies an application by name close window "Reports" -- specifies a window by nameend tell
This specifier works only for objects that have a name property. You don’t normally subclass NSNameSpecifier.
The evaluation of an instance of NSNameSpecifier follows these steps until the specified object is found:NSNameSpecifierのインスタンスの評価は、指定されたオブジェクトが見つけられるまでこれらの手順に従います:
If the container implements a method whose selector matches the relevant valueIn<Key>WithName: pattern established by scripting key-value coding, the method is invoked. This method can potentially be very fast, and it may be relatively easy to implement.
As is the case when evaluating any script object specifier, the container of the specified object is given a chance to evaluate the object specifier. If the container class implements the indicesOfObjectsByEvaluatingObjectSpecifier method, the method is invoked. This method can potentially be very fast, but it is relatively difficult to implement.
An instance of NSWhoseSpecifier that specifies the first object whose relevant 'pnam' attribute matches the name is synthesized and evaluated. The instance of NSWhoseSpecifier must search through all of the keyed elements in the container, looking for a match. The search is potentially very slow.NSWhoseSpecifierのインスタンスは、ある合致を捜して、コンテナの中のキー付き要素の全てを端が端まで検索しなければなりません。検索は、潜在的に非常に低速です。
A specifier for a simple attribute value, a one-to-one relationship, or all elements of a to-many relationship.
A specifier for an arbitrary object in a collection or, if not a one-to-many relationship, the sole object.
A specifier indicating the middle object in a collection or, if not a one-to-many relationship, the sole object.